(c)Bob Coulter
This is the blog of Fifi..... comments are welcome. But no anonymous ones.... those are just lame. Check out my naked and not so naked work here.

Got a question... Don't be afraid to ask....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Do you think you'd ever get tired of being a cyber person? You obviously spend most of your time on the internet. Do you have a qualifying job, besides tramping around on the internet?

No, not really. When you're sick a lot, the internet keeps you from getting cabin fever. Actually, I'm qualified to do a plethora of different jobs, I just don't feel like doing them at this point in my life. I've had a job for as long as I can remember, now, I'd rather focus on doing what makes me happy. As for tramping around the internet... considering the type of work I would like to do in the near future, I take that as a compliment.

Don't be scared....

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